Monday, February 1, 2010

Old Panty Flash Potty Trianing Advice? 2year Old Advice...Excitement! ?

Potty Trianing advice? 2year old advice...Excitement! ? - old panty flash

Ok ... So I have some questions here sphincter. Well ... Now my question is ... How long do you go, with no accidents at home, before they jump on the trousers? even in public?
My daughter just 22 months and seriously ... Evening wear diapers! We started in October ... and it was really good. But ill still more accidents. WELL ... 1 weeks now striaght (maybe closer to 2 weeks to change the schedule, if), which had only 1 accident every day and when we in the car. But now ... It was no accident for 2 days! PEE and POO! EVERYONE in the pot! I am sooo excited!

Who else is going through it? If in 1 week that the child has an accident, nothing!

Sorry, ladies ... I am very excited about this, seeing how I thought it was not bad for his mother to teach and then. Because every time I read something that should be here almost 2 years old .. and she does not speak in a child under 2 years ... But other things beyond 2 years. AD Sometimes I feel I'm a bad father, since he can include verbal or he call the CBA, or make all the noises of animals, so I feel like I move and teach nothing. But still ... I feel every day and go through repeated flash cards, which include objects, such as (many items which can include on their fingers, so I asked him to show me, 2, she puts on a finger 2 or whatever), but I feel that some parents over exaggerate things.

Does anyone else feel this? As parents overdo it ...
Sorry ... I did not want to rave ...
Here you can listen to your experiences!


Bri S said...

Parenting is a big responsibility and I do not think that you have a bad job. You're doing great. Potty training can be easy or hard for different children. There is no reason to rush, saying many parents of diapers for your little one to 14 or 16 months to carry. Perhaps, but that does not mean you have to start so soon. Once you start training to be sure, should a number of opportunities that are not brought much just a poster or some stickers. Also be sure to associate words with their meanings as piss, shit, pot, flush, sweep, etc ... Wherever you go, clap for her jump, so he knows he has something incredible. Give rewards, like a cookie or something. Always wash your hands after you can start very early with good habits. In your case, unplug the drive is good to have, so no need to go to wash, if there are accidents, which are not. Tell It to the big girl panties and they should not. Teaching him to go and the books are always useful.Do not start your underwear until she was an "accident" than a month. If you follow these tips are in their underwear before you know it, and his son and future children will be fully trained briefly in the pot. Go ahead and good luck. :)

rainfore... said...

Is normal to have accidents. Always make sure weas pants, even if you pass an accident site. Pull-ups are not ideal is to promote toilet training, because the children do not mind peeing in them. He sat down in a diaper while in the car or in the homes of others to avoid a disaster and a disgrace for you and your child.

dreamtak... said...

I have almost 4 years he still has accidents. I mean, it happens. and if someone says that you clean up I tell them to go. I think children have accidents. Children because they would not be a real mother was laughing and smiling. and could be of assistance offered. I know I would. but not yet paid your mind and you're still a good mother, you are.

Ashley Marie said...

All my children were potty of 16 months (12 months, with my twins, two years trained, they will learn) in a few months. It was unbelievable! They caught so quickly. If it goes well, you can use a straight trousers, but if you are in public, make sure you are using loose clothing if you must go to the bathroom and extra wear underwear, clothing, etc., where they an accident. If so, do not be embarrassed. Everybody was there. And you do not feel bad if they are rain tires. Reassure him feel better. Good luck!

sergeant... said...

This woman obviously has no children! I wear diapers for my daughter at 22 months, at night, with a reasonable conversation! I bought a pair of pretty panties, and told him that if he pees in the pot, she could wear pretty panties! Worked like a charm. She is 26 years and no accidents! LOL! But as a precaution, follow the faith and the mother "always be ready." Small bubbles have little ability to wait, so it never hurts to some rags and a spare pair in your pocket and the car have? What the lady raw Wal-Mart, if you're reading this - the smaller the only ones who pee their pants - What Goes Around Comes Around!

Jen M is not 20 said...

My son was underwear 24 / 7 to 3 small before. Leads and in the evening. If you have an accident, you just cleaned. My daughter was constantly underwear around the age of your daughter. This is an exciting time!

As people are exaggerating, it happens. I agree with you on that. Do not let that fool you feel someone here though. It appears that your daughter is doing wonderfully. Children learn at different paces. Sounds like he is doing well.

The only thing I recommend that if your child is an accident in public, to clean it. Bring wet wipes or paper towels with you if necessary. My son is in the middle of the room once peed (which was his only accident in public) My daughter was in her hair, so I could not leave, exactly. I cleaned with paper towels, and even your mop to clean the rest. I believe it is our responsibility.

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